Please provide your feedback here. To be compliant with NDIS rules you are welcome to provide anonymous feedback.


How can you provide feedback?

Clients and employees can submit feedback through several channels of communication. This includes in person, over the phone, or through our feedback form located at the bottom of the page. You can also submit feedback via email to or mail to our head office located at 12 Edward Street, Loxton SA 5333. Once feedback is provided an acknowledgement will be made within 1 business day.

What happens when I submit my feedback?

Depending on the nature of the feedback it will be reviewed by the appropriate department or manager to action and investigate. You can request to speak to management about your feedback at any time.

What kind of feedback can you provide?

Clients and employees can provide compliments, complaints and suggestions. We welcome all feedback to ensure we are providing the best service for our clients and members, and creating a great workplace for our team.

Will my feedback be acknowledged and responded to in a timely manner?

In line with the NDIS (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018, LAAS is committed to investigating and dealing with all feedback in a fair and timely manner. This is to ensure all relevant parties are consulted at every stage of the feedback process and a resolution achieved.


Please have a read of our Feedback and Complaints Management Policy here. The document outlines our obligations to our customers for providing feedback which feeds directly into our continuous improvement cycle to improve the organisation.



LAAS welcomes all feedback from its customers and employees to improve the quality of our services. Our feedback and complaints management process is compliant with the NDIS Practice Standards (Complaints Management and Resolution).

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We work with the following disability services
